Potty training

My son will not go in the potty. I have a small one for him. He did once about 3 months ago. He took his diaper off and went pee. He was proud of himself. Now I can’t get him to go at all. Advice would be appreciated.
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I had this exact problem with my son. I almost wanted to give up completely. Instead I went to dollar tree and bought a poster board, some markers and stickers and made a potty chart. Every time he goes poo or pee he puts a sticker (you can even do prizes if he makes a certain amount) and it makes it fun for him. That pushed him and it took just one day for him to get it. Now it’s been a week and I only put a diaper on for bedtime.

I also stopped the potty chart when he filled it completely because you don’t want to make it a habit either !! But yea it helped ALOT.

My son was the same way and then when he started to wake up in the mornings, we would put him on the potty before he even thought about it. I would ask him about it periodically during the day if he wanted to use a potty. I also didn’t make it a thing that we had to start in the morning and he can only wear his underwear in the morning and had to wear it all day, but if he wanted to put on his underwear to use the potty then I will let him do it and sometimes he did have accidents, he still not going potty to poop a diaper during the night but he’s doing a great job using the potty during the day. Don’t give up. You’re almost there.

Just here to say I’m in the exact same boat! Trying to potty train my son and we will have him sit on the potty, then five minutes later he will have an accident. Other times he has a full blown tantrum and refuses to even sit on the potty. This is rough!

I’m in the same boat. We’ve tried on/off for 6 months with my 3 year old. He refused to sit on the potty. He always says I’ll do it tomorrow. I feel like I’ve tried everything to try and encourage/motivate him

Getting rid of our diapers was the big trick that worked for us. Like we literally pretended that diapers just could no longer be bought and that she would have to help us figure it out. I hate to say it but all kids are different. What works for one crashes and burns for another. I learned that pushing her when she wasn't ready wasn't right for us either and just had to let it go until she was ready

@Julia your daughter sounds like my son. When did it click for her?

It was right before her 3rd birthday. We just occasionally would offer that she use the potty. We had a potty available for her both upstairs and downstairs. Any time she felt like using it We did lots of praise and an m and m. She just all of a sudden in like a few days was like okay I'm just going to use the potty now for all my pees. It took a little longer to get poops there but she's pretty much fully trained now roughly a month later. Good luck to you! It's stressful

Take the diaper completely off let him go himself a few times and he will see that he must use the potty it worked for my son

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