Waking baby up for feeds

So… my baby boy is just turning 10 weeks. He is been having 4-5 Oz every 4 hours. He drinks between 20-24oz in a 24 hour period. So he usually wakes up at night for a feed but he has gone 8 hours sleeping without a feed and has just woken up and drank his 5oz and gone back to sleep. I feel soooo guilty that he went 5 hours cos now I feel like he’s not feeding enough. Although am I right in thinking if he was hungry he would have woke for a feed.
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He absolutely would have woken up if he was hungry. The only reason I would ever wake to feed is if he wasn’t gaining weight or had dropped a few centiles and you needed to get the extra ounces in him. As someone who’s baby was going 6ish hours but is now in the midst of the 4 month sleep regression, I would say, for now, enjoy the sleep!

If your baby’s weight gain has been good I wouldn’t worry about it - you can let them demand feed

Once they're over their birth weight and feeding well, no need to wake them for feeds. They'll tell you when they're hungry!

Thank you so much! X

As long as baby is gaining weight don’t worry and sounds like your LB is getting plenty throughout the day. My LB has started sleeping through the night recently so some mornings when he wakes he’s gone 11 hours since a feed but he’s a healthy chunky boy, feeds every 3 hours throughout the day and he wakes and lets me know when it’s time for a feed 😅 I’ve never woken him to feed but I know some parents do, but IMO they’ll let you know when they’re hungry 😅 x

Enjoy your sleep !!! If baby is back at weight and healthy gaining weight he’s absolutely fine! My lo slept through from 7 weeks and would even go back after a bottle 😅! Your baby will wake if he’s hungry x

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