
What time do y’all usually put the kiddos down and what age? Just wanted to hear some references. 😊
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I did bedtime right from the start. Every night at 8 we do lotion, diaper and pjs. We have added reading bed time stories or other things if needed as shes aged but overall thats the routine. Even when she would fight bed time it still is a moment for relaxing and getting calmed down for the night. Now shes 11 months and she just knows when its time to go up for bed. It also helped for when i wanted to stop co-sleeping.

My son just only turned 5yrs and I also have a 3yr old. They sleep in the same bed, we read 2 books before bed and then I put on an audiobook (as I have a 4mth old and can’t stay in the room until they go to sleep). They are both in bed anywhere between 7-8pm, and wake up anywhere between 6-7am

We start routine at 8. She’s usually asleep by 9 the latest.

My 11mo sleeps in his crib , bedtime is 730pm. Sometimes 8 if he napped late in the day but we try to avoid that and stay on our loose routine :)


bedtime is around 8ish. i used to give a bath every other day but ive ntoiced when i give him a bath he sleeps through the night. i typically do bath time around 7:30-7:45 and let him play for however long he wants.

My daughter does her wind down routine starting at 6:30 with her bottle plays a bit gets a bath then snuggles up to us to watch tv or plays and story time she’s asleep but 8:30 at latest

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