Wow pain

So I'm told by the doctors at hospital and my ob that I am having contractions but they will not do anything but fluids (IV) until my cervix starts to dialate. They also said my cervix is thin which I don't know what that means for me, I'm 30 weeks and having bad back pain, with contractions but not wanting to go back to the hospital if they will just tell me the same thing for the 3rd time. Can anyone shed some light on this.
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@Liberty exactly like why tf ask for help

@Liberty A day before you but I'm high risk so they want to induce at 36

@Liberty will do stay strong mama

Do you really want to be in hospital though rather than home? It could be days and days. Do you a fun movie you can watch?

@Stephanie I do, I'd rather stay home but how will I even know I'm dialated,? I'm guess I'm just really ready for this to be over

A thin cervix means it's stretching and prepared for child birth dilation refers to how open it is(as I'm sure you know). How far are you? They probably also don't want to do anything because you're 30 weeks, induction is not a good option. They're not going to induce you at 30 weeks unless your life is in danger. How far are your contractions? Did they give you any instruction on when to go back? This is just my thought process but not 100% sure 🥲🤔

@Charity it will probably get much much worse when you're fully dialated? The thing is, maybe it will stop progressing? In this situation it does kind of seem right to just leave it. You don't really want the baby to come asap right? Every day s/he gets in there is a good day. Maybe it will stop. You have contractions and thinning cervix, but if it stopped there you could maybe hold out until a week later, 3 weeks later, who knows. So maybe the best thing is to let it run it's course and see what happens. Is it too painful to watch movies (this is my plan for labor... I'm going to watch comedy shows).

So they probably sent you home because you’re not close to active labor (so if your contractions increase or get closer together that obviously would change things!) but they don’t want to induce you and baby too early so they’re hoping they will stop on their own which if you can relax at home, I know that might be hard, that’s probably best!

@Favi I have more amniotic fluid than normal they say the want to keep me monitored and contraction last 1minute every 2-3 minutes, they gave me a muscle relaxer and it spreaded the contractions apart and they sent me home saying if it happens again come in but I'm not really interested in staying in a hospital again unless to deliver.

@Stephanie some are really painful where I can't even move and don't want to be touched, some are mild and I can change positions

@Chelsea thank you

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