Feed back on the oh crap method

Not sure what or how to start potty training. We know we want to start now as baby number two will be here in 4 months. Our little boy is 15months old. We've started with naked time and just showing him the toilet but we don't want the little potty in the room, rather take him to the toilet..I hear good things about the oh crap method but down side is we aren't home 3 days in a row with him due to work and my boy in nursery. I just don't know what or where to begin. When he's had naked time he's peed and đź’© everywhere and I couldn't see the signs to get him to the bathroom. :( I worry I'm doing more damage/confusion than good.
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I personally wasn't a huge fan of the oh crap approach but each to their own! I would say though your little one is still very young for potty training, a big part of it is communication and I'd worry they wouldn't have the understanding or skills yet at that age but again you know your child best.

I was a big fan of the oh crap method but we did it when my daughter was just over 2 years old (26 months). I think if you aren’t able to take annual leave or soemthing to have a few more days at home, I’d maybe wait until you can as I think that’s important rather than starting it and then hoping it goes ok in nursery when they might not be able to watch him as closely…good luck though! It’s amazing to watch them figure it out and be proud of themselves

I think I'd personally wait until new baby is a few months old to try. That young, they'll probably have a big regression when the baby comes anyway, even if it works at all. And to do the oh crap, I'd say, wait until you have a long weekend at home, or else take a day or two off to make it work.

Didn’t love oh crap… at all.

@Allie & @Britt could you girls please explain a bit why you don’t like oh crap method? I was thinking of starting my son at 21 months old but now I’m having thoughts 🤨

@Sana I felt it was a very strict method personally and felt very all or nothing with minimal praise or encouragement to it! Obviously different things work for different children but didn't work for my daughter and by the end of day 1 she was getting really distraught and upset by it all

@Sana I actually thought it worked well for us! We did do stickers for rewards (small ones for pee and big one for poo) and that phased itself on it’s own so it wasn’t hard to “stop” giving the reward. So maybe I took some bits and not others but liked reading the book and using it as a basis for the training. We did just daytime at first and then after about 2 weeks did night potty training and again that worked well for us

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