I have fibroids and didn’t know so that plus my age (39) and a history of loss due to premature labor in June where I had an incompetent cervix and a cerclage (3 weeks before my water broke), I will be with them as well.
It’s frustrating to be kept in the dark about your body when you feel like you could’ve avoided so many things if you had known. Wishing you all the luck and love
Andie and Candace - thank you for chiming in. It’s nice to know we aren’t alone is this craziness of loss and pregnancy. I sincerely hope we all get to meet our rainbow babies and hold them in our arms. ♥️
I am so sorry that it took this long for you to be diagnosed! Is there any treatment that will help? I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis and had recurrent losses over 3 years while we were trying. I remember feeling the same frustration that it took so long to be diagnosed for something that is so common - I can’t imagine going through that for 10 years!