We've been doing them since about 9 weeks and love them!
Yeah they are good for baby seem to enjoy it and for you to get out and see people ☺️
Yes we’ve been doing them since 8 weeks and she loves it!
I did one last week and it was a story with sensory bits and then sensory trays afterwards and he loved the sensory bits but the only one's I've found around me you have to block book and they're SO expensive so will definitely be holding off on doing anymore until he's a bit older and engages more with it. I did buy some sensory toys to use with him at home though which he loves!
Yes we've been going since about 7 weeks with a mum friend and the babies absolutely love it!
Yes we did one on Tuesday and my little one absolutely loved it!! I also did one with him at 12 weeks and wouldn't recommend for that age but now he absolutely loved it!!