Anyone else's baby not rolling yet?

My baby boy has no interest in rolling at all. He has recently started sleeping on his side but doesn't move an inch while sleeping either. He is on the floor most of the day because he loves it but not at all interested in moving. Anyone else got the same issue?
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Do you put him on his tummy on the floor my boy was the same and has only just started rolling now he’s 6 months. Every baby is different try not to worry he will get there in his own time x

@Sinead I do put him on his tummy at least once a day and he usually either screams the house down till I move him or he works himself so much he falls asleep face down 🤦‍♀️😂 x

@Devon he's really good at lifting his head just no rolling. 2 hours of tummy time a day seems impossible at the moment tho!

My daughter had no interest and hated tummy time (still does) then one day she rolled and now she rolls every single time she’s on her back to her stomach

@Lucy you don’t have to start with 2 hours of tummy time. Start with a minute or even 30 seconds If the baby hates it that much. My little girl would do the same during tummy time so I did the 1 minute at a time until she rolled on her own and now I can’t put her on her back without her throwing a fit

@Lucy practice helping with the rolling motion eventually they pick it up it doesn't have to be 2 hours in one go either

Make a game outta rolling that's what I did and now he loves it and won't stop lol he just be rolling

@Devon I do this everytime he is on his front but will continue to do so x

Girls I think you must have worked some magic over the phone.

My little girl can roll from belly to back but not the other way we try to get her to roll onto her front everyday but she just won’t! And now even when I put her in tummy time she’ll roll out of it 30s later.

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