Getting into their own bed!!

My little one is 5 months, and we’re currently co sleeping. If I try to put her down in her next to me crib, she instantly wakes and no tapping her tummy or bum sends her back of; whereas if I put her down in bed and settle her in bed she sleeps a lot better. How did anyone co-sleeping get their little ones into their own cots? I love it, and love all the snuggles, but I know the longer I leave it, the harder it will be (for both of us!)
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I went through this and it was a tough transition. A lot of trial and error; currently what works is giving her the boob to sleep and then I wait 20 mins until she’s in deep sleep, and then I slowly transfer her into her crib. This has been working for when she sleeps at night. Naps we still do in my bed cuddling, but now I want to transition her to nap in her crib - it’s tough. She’s 6 months.

We ended up doing floor beds!! We had this issue with our first and did floor beds. I’d put her to sleep in her bed and then go into mine. She’s now sleeping independently, through the night in her own bedroom at 2. Our 5 month old is waking up 1-2 times a night in her own little floor bed right next to ours

I think it's because you have made the cot a foreign place. My little girl is the same as I've let her sleep with me when she's feeling unwell and then now she thinks she owns the bed... Sleeping like a little starfish!! Try putting her in her cot everyday for a short time. I put my little girl in her cot during the day with a few toys so she can play independently. She then seems more willing to go in there for naps and at bed time

Still cosleeping so looking for advice too. I’m mostly just waiting until my girl is ready but also because we aren’t even in our own home now so no point in trying to sleep separately yet😅

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