I am currently in the process of being induced and have had prostaglandin gel on the cervix. 7-8 hrs later I am having contractions I can’t feel 😅 3-4 in 10 minutes. I also had a sweep during a vaginal exam. I used gas and air for the exams but not for contractions yet. Will have another exam at 1.40 am to see if I’ve dilated further. Will have the drip if no further progress xx
I had an induction, I managed for a while with gas and air but it eventually got too much for me. The pethidine absolutely made me spaced out and did not help with the pain, just made me fall asleep between contractions (so wouldn't recommend this for you). The epidural just numbed me from the ribs down but no other effects. Hopefully that helps if you need further pain relief ☺️
I had an induction birth with my first and only needed hypnobirthing techniques (breathing, pbc meditation tracks & fairylights etc) and gas &air. The gas and air did make me feel a bit out of it as labour went on though as I basically used it for every single contraction once they become a bit too much for me to manage by myself but it does also wear off quickly too.
I’m exactly the same as you in the sense that I hate the idea of feeling spaced out and out of control, with my first I wasn’t induced but managed well with hypnobirthing, an Elle tens machine, and a birthing pool. I did however have codeine several hours before birth, I wasn’t aware this was an option til a friend told me she had it in labour. I honestly can’t remember if it helped with the pain at all but I didn’t feel out of control, I guess it’s something you could try! Gas and air for me made me feel awful but I know others who love it, so you could try that too x
With my first baby I had the hormone drip and managed with gas and air and a tens machine but I was also in a lot of pain. I’m really hoping to avoid the hormone drip this time because I didn’t feel in control of the pain at that point. Pain management during the rest of the induction process was manageable in my experience and I only got put on the drip to get from 8cm to 10cm but I remember howling in pain because it skyrocketed my pain. Anyway, I think you just have to react to the situation you’re in and decide what feels necessary for you in the moment.
I had a hormone drip with my first and the only pain relief I ended up having was codeine. I did try the gas and air but couldn’t get a long with it so gave up on that. The main difficulty I had with drip was being attached to the drip and monitor so didn’t have the freedom of movement as I would have liked. If you feel you can handle the pain the just go with it but you have the freedom to make decisions whilst your there in the moment x
I was induced and used hypnobirthing, meditation, breathing exercises & a birthing comb to manage the pain 🤍