Because you are effacing you should be having a baby soon. It won't take a week. Usually, when they do a sweep it progresses your labor so your right on track baby girl.
My doctor said that if it’s going to work then I would start getting contractions within 48hrs and exactly at the 2 day mark I started contracting/laboring. Good luck!
If you are having your bloody show, and the cramping progresses to contractions. It sounds like you could go into labor by tomorrow or so. I had a member sweep with my last and had same symptoms next day I had her. That’s from my experience! So hopefully sweet baby will be coming very soon! I did all the things I was able to active labor the day of sweep as well.
I was induced twice and it was easy. I wouldn't want to have had it any other way. I did not suffer any pain. So don't worry, however it goes will be just perfect.
My doc “checked” my cervix and it was more painful than usual. In 24 hrs I was already having the baby.
the midwife said it could possibly not work
I got 2 membrane sweeps and neither worked. Ended up getting induced at 42 weeks. Induction without epidural is BRUTAL. In your case it sounds like you’re progressing well! I hope it works for you!!
that's the thing, I wanted to have an unmedicated labor! 😫
@naya I wanted to as well but I got to 7cm and was over it so I asked for one. The first one didn’t take so I had to get another. They were giving me too much pitocin and my contractions were wayyy too strong.
@naya have sex if possible. Semen helps, that's how I started contracting.
thank you for all the advice everyone! I appreciate it 🫶🏼
Stay as active as you can: supported squats, exercise ball, curb walking, sex… it all helps. I had a sweep at 38+6 and had him the same day. I was throwing my 14m old in the air and pacing a lot 😂 I was 4cm at my app
After my sweep I went into labor about a day & a half later.