@Tiffany the pitocin contractions were bad a couple hours into taking pitocin i had them put me on epidural which I still ended up feeling like I did too soon because by the time I had to push out baby I felt alot of it. They stopped me on pitocin when I got to 8cm and let my body naturally get to 10cm and there was definitely a difference the contractions without pitocin were still steady just not as strong and more tolerable
Congratulations 💕💕
@Chelsea oh no!! The epidural didn't last the whole time? I'm so glad she ended up here safely and I'm glad it was more tolerable near the end!
@Tiffany yeah I felt maybe mine had been done wrong but the catheter for the epidural was in my back there was even a button to give me more dose as needed every 15 mins. But after they first put it in it lasted a couple of hours and then since they don't let you stay laying on your back I had to either lay to my left or right side my baby vitals were stronger by staying to my right and hours had gone by so some of the epidural wore off but because I was laying on one side that side stayed numb while the other side had feeling. It's just best to not use the epidural until you atleast 8cm or close as possible to the delivery so it can work better
@Chelsea interesting!! Ughh and I worry about getting induced just for those pit contractions. I'm on the way to the doc now to see if I'm any cm dilated this week (0 last week at 38 wks!) and he wants to induce but there's not a big reason to right now. I'm just not sure if I want to but it might be best!
Oh wow! I know people only recommend getting induced if the pregnancy is high risk. Mine was. But I feel that naturally would feel better than the chemicals I felt the difference the chemicals definitely hurt more. But one way or another that baby is going to come out soon. Also everyone's body reacts to things differently. I think you'll jut have to follow your gut instinct on that choice
@Chelsea I'm also high risk, for hypothyroidism but it's within range at the moment and I do have lower platelets but they aren't too low so we're just watching it each week. Getting close! I'm going to ask if he'll let me take cytotec at home or something to try and induce naturally or something. We'll see! I may bump it up to this Friday the 11th instead of next Monday! I'm going to have a baby by next week for sure probably!! Unless I decide to wait it out hahah
Yeah the cytotec wasn't too bad definitely worked quickly on me during that 12 hours to get me to 4cm
Congrats mamma! She is so precious, I hope your recovery goes well ☺️💕 absolute queen!
Congrats!! 🩷 Same birthday as me 🥰
Congrats mama!! How were the pitocin contractions? That's what I think my doctor's plan is and I'm worried about the pain