I got induced and was in labor for 24 hours and got all the way to a 10 and pushed for 4 hours but baby was back to back with me (posterior) and would not turn and they tried for a bit to turn her while I pushed then told me I’d either rip all the way trying to get her out and possibly have my uterus rupture or I could go c section but also have my uterus ruptured cuz of how long I was going we went with c section and everything went well but hopefully we can get that vbac!!
My water broke at 41+5, and I was barely dilated. I started an induction to speed things up but after 54 hours I was only 3 cm dilated so I was told to get a C section (they were worried about possible infections since my water had broken so long ago).
Very similar to you I got induced was in hospital for a week eventually dilated enough for them to break my waters and put me on the drip was on that for 12 hours but I couldn’t get past 4/5cm and baby was starting to get distressed so emergency c section I also will not be getting induced again I was being induced at 37 weeks bc he was looking very big on scans and there were concerns on him getting stuck if he got much bigger but then he was born and he was way under the measurements and would have been fine waiting til my body was actually ready for labour
My first born was feet presenting and it wasn’t safe for both of us to deliver normally. He had been breach all the way through until around 36 weeks when they thought he had turned but it was only when I went for my sweep that she said “it’s too soft to be a head” scan booked the next day and found him to be feet down and section booked for 2 days later as I was already over due 🙈
@Tammie that sounds very much like me. I got induced because they were saying placenta wasn't working and my baby was gonna be so snall. But when she was born she was 6.13 and healthy and fine. Me too I won't be get induced this time. I'm stuck weather to have another section to be honest. I'm not sure yet. I'd love to experience natural birth but if it's gonna be safer for me to have another one I'll do it x
I had a huge breech baby!