We switched to pampers 360 so we can diaper change while my son stands and it has made a world of difference for him and us!
Same here she is so fussy every time I try to get her changed
My boy did this for a few months. This sounds silly but it worked for him, I started saying “ewww stinky, yuckyyyy” really exaggerated and he thinks it’s hilarious and laughs while I change him now. When I asked his pediatrician about when’s the best time to start potty training she said 2.5 so well start that next year
This is normal. I think it’s they don’t want to be disturbed. I start telling my 20 month old it’s time for a diaper changes and he need to lay down when he lays down on his own it goes much easier. I also ask him to help by holding his diaper or holding his legs up
We did start potty training but didn't work and went back to diaper but it's struggle. She says her diaper is wet with one pee and the refuse to wear diaper and clothes too