I was just going to use the insulated bit that came with the diaper bag I bought and sticking some ice packs in! I've also seen some people suggest only bring a few syringes so you don't waste your whole stock in case theres no fridge at the hospital
You’ll need to put them in an insulated bag with some ice packs to prevent them defrosting too soon. You may be waiting to be assessed for a while before they are able to take them to the ward fridge/freezer
I used an insulated lunch box and strapped them to an icepack inside it
I filled an insulated flask with ice and put the syringes in a sandwich bag inside the cup with the ice, worked a treat! I’d defo say you’d need ice packs and a freezer bag/insulated cup of some sort as it defrosts very quickly. I then used the ice and the cup to drink from whilst in labour so was 1000% worth it xx