Just turned 2 yesterday and can say dad and apple, that is it. She's just started trying saying things but can't actually say them yet
Thank you everyone, your comments have helped a lot so I’m gonna keep trying to help him and he will get there when he gets there ❤️
My little girl only says half of words and its really weird 😂 Chocolate is “choc” Shoulders is “show” House is “how” Juice is “jew” Banana is “ban” Spiders is “spy” trampoline is “leen” I know what shes saying but nbody else does lol i dunno how to get her to complete words 😂
Wait until the 2yr check, and see what they say then. It’s good he’s got the understanding. Just keep talking to him, talk about what you can see when you go for a walk/drive, talk about what foods you give, what toys to play with etc. You should get your appointment through soon, I have my little girls check for December x
@Lisa I’m a children’s speech and language therapist - I would just recommend you model the full word clearly and slowly each time. It’s very common for toddlers to reduce words and have unclear speech.
Hi Courtney, I’m a children’s SALT - I’d recommend speaking to your HV about it as they can complete the ages and stages with you and see if it’s something to refer to SALT for.
I just took our 23 month to have his developmental check on Tuesday and he didn't say a single word. He doesn't like new environments and takes a while before he opens up. Our son can speak a good few words now, when he is ready and in his own time. Boys can start a little later than girls also. My husband didn't properly start speaking until he was 5. But he understood everything and knew how to, just didn't. It's easy to say, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. The tick box exercises aren't always the most reassuring if you don't meet them all right now, our son didn't want to do certain things on demand and some of it he doesn't know how to yet. He'll get there and your son will too ❤️