I had contractions all day last Thursday then they stopped about 8 pm I ended up going into labor after my waters broth this Wednesday so almost a whole week later. Between the first day of contractions and the day of delivery I had contractions all day but no pattern or strengthening of them and a back ache/ sore lower abdomen. So it could be a sign your labor will be soon but it could also be a little ways off still. It’s so hard to predict but I don’t think anyone would fault you for taking leave now.
@Aubry I get induced November 4th either way so I just can’t decide!😂
I had to this start Thursday at 38w1d. I had a dr appt Friday afternoon and got sent to triage because my blood pressure was slightly over threshold. They monitored me and I had no bp issues but I was contracting regularly (I barely felt them, felt more like Braxton hicks) so they offered to just break my water. Had baby 4 hours later! I asked for the epidural at 7cm and baby started coming out as they finished placing it (I got to a 10 in minutes) so unfortunately got it a little too late 😅 so hopefully you’ll have a baby real soon too! This was my second baby
I would definitely consider taking your maternity leave. It sounds like you're getting close!