They do ease. My eldest daughter is now 9 and oh wow the pre teen hormones are something else 😳
I have a bag of toys on the car. Something to get their mind of it 😊 I have a puppet monkey which he loves to cuddle and that’s our go to for his tantrums in the car
@Teresa she just throws any toys we give her whilst screaming 🙃🙃🙃
So much easier terrible 2 wasn't a thing for us so I found ehrn they are pushing boundarys this age it's rough then they are lush again terrible 2s was nothing at all 3 now that was another thing he hit 3 and a half and I had a little teenager just arguing 😐 that lasted a few month now 5 and so amazing. Hang in there. I found ignoring his tantrum then say you ready as if nothing had happened worked best x
It gets better! My daughter was 4 in September and the tantrums were UNREAL before, to a point I didn't wanna go out anymore and started isolating myself. As she's got older, she's started to chill out a bit and I feel like I can reason with her more! I mean her attitude and sassy-ness is still on a high level but I think that's a girl thing! But as for the tantrums, they do ease I promise! xo