They offered it to me (just turned 40) as an option when were discussing C-section. Talk about it now. There are some consent things you have to sign ahead of time. You can choose not to closer to the date but having everything in place so it's easier is a good idea. We are having our second and we don't have the energy or funds for a third so we are leaning towards either a tubal for me or a vasectomy for my husband.
I really thought I was only going to have one child because of my age. After my daughter was born I had an overwhelming feeling that our family wasn’t complete. I’m just sharing that because I didn’t feel that way when I was pregnant. It wasn’t until after we settled in as a family that I realized that. If you are 100% sure you are done it makes sense to go ahead with it. But, your feelings could change after the baby is born.
It’s better to have your partner get a vasectomy, it’s less invasive and can be reversed. That will be a hard recovery with having to take care of a newborn. The burden shouldn’t always be on us women.
@Maria I agree.
You’ll loose your fertility in the next 7-8 years basically completely. I wouldn’t bother. Just be careful. There’s serious and quite unpleasant side effects to female sterilization.
Thank you ladies … it didn’t even come up and I didn’t ask. Baby and I are home and I’m recovering from the c section
Do what makes you happy in life coz it's so short, as long as you have thought every eventuality through and are 100% sure you want it, it's something you won't regret