Hi Hannah, I went up a size on teat 2 and he hated it, was too fast for him and pushed bottle out. He has already been treated for tongue tie and lip tie. I sometimes think he gets tired of drinking and stops after drinking 50-60ml and then doesn’t take the bottle again. Or its the milk, he doesn’t like it? Im on Kendamil.
@Nancy have you called the HV? When you say it’s killing you and impacting naps, what do you mean? Do you think he could have reflux, babies with reflux or silent reflux tend to drink often to flush the acid back down. Does he have any other symptoms? Arched back, hiccups, coughing, sick/spit up, unsettled when led down?
He definitely gets a lot of hiccups and unsettled when laid down. Could this be silent reflux? Is this caused by the formula hes taking?
@Nancy it could be, no it’s not because he’s on formula, lots of breast fed babies get reflux too. We had to go on gavsicon but it causes constipation, so fiddled with the dosage to get the right one and then weaned off about 8 months. Maybe make an appointment with the GP?
We used these bottles up until 5 months and it never took that long! I think they say it should take no more than 30 mins but I can’t remember if that’s the right time for 12 week olds or not. Have you tried going up a teat size? Or smaller, more frequent feeds? Has baby been assessed for tongue tie?