I was going to post the same thing today so I’m glad I’ve seen this! ☺️My little boy is the same, he makes noises and vocalises and squeals etc but yet to make any ‘mama, dada’ or recognisable sounds. Sometimes I’ll keep saying ‘mama’ to him and he literally just blows raspberries at me 🫠😂. He’s so focused on cruising around and very likely to be walking soon so I’m wondering if he’s just focusing on one thing at a time?! He waves, points and knows his name and maintains eye contact so I’m not concerned in that respect but man I’d love to hear ‘mama’ 🥹🩵
Mine is nearly walking too! she doesn’t like to be held anymore just constantly wants to be on her feet!😂 mobility wise I have no problem, she did wave once or twice but just smiles at me now if I do the hand gestures but yeah she more focused on the mobility side rather than her babbling I thinkxx
My little boy is very vocal he is 11 months now and has started to copy us a lot and says a few words now too. I’d say the last two weeks he has started to say loads more and repeats some words x
Our little one is the same she babbles away all the time but hasn’t said a proper ‘word’ yet xx