I second the above, mine used to hate it at first but now she quite likes it! We have a dangly toy on our car seat bar she loves looking at and we’ve also added a mirror which she likes as she can see me. In the end though she’s so calm she falls asleep most drives, though we know our baby likes motion. Hope these ideas help!
I have a mirror and toys and it doesn’t help, he just wants to get out 😫 x
Oh no 😕 Have you checked if the car seat is too tight or anything like that possibly causing discomfort? Or maybe playing music you know he likes to comfort him? It’s so awful when they scream and scream and there’s nothing we can do
@Becky I swear I’ve tried everything he just wants to be picked up 😫 it is so sad I’m hoping he grows out of it! X
I struggle with this so much! There’s literally nothing I can do to calm mine down. It makes travelling so difficult
@Sonya it really does, I get so stressed 😫
I have a sound mirror which helped my boy so much it has images which light up & play music from Amazon was a complete game changer!
Yep, same, it's awful 😞
Mine too!! He use to love it, put him in it now he screams unless the car is moving! I dread stopping at traffic lights 😭. Have you tried putting a mirror in front of him in the car or dangly things for him to look at? Failing that maybe a picture of you? X