The placenta is more likely to deteriorate earlier after 40. It's very common for it to be recommended to induce or C-section at 39 weeks. Baby is basically ready to go at that point and not likely to need any time in the NICU. We are choosing an elective C-section at 39 weeks instead of induction because my chances of a successful Vbac are very low. I would talk to them about your specific concerns and the specific risks of going to 40 weeks. I like numbers to make the best decision. My aunt had my cousin at 41 and she went full term and apparently the placenta was in pretty wretched condition when my cousin was born. She was alive, but very scrawny. Good luck!
I was 43 by baby was born at 30 weeks emergency c section as I went into pre term labour with placenta previa so my baby was stressed I had a scan placenta was fine but when they delivered my don there were blood clots in placenta snd it was lifting but none if that showed on ultrasound sn hour before birth do they can see really the health of placenta till baby's born that scared me he could of died as my placenta was failing snd they couldn't tell by scans my son was born with apgar score 3 was incubated and after 5 minutes if incubation was apgar 9
My son was in nicu for 11 weeks on cpap
There is a cutoff of 40 weeks after 40 because the risk of stillbirth is higher in women after 40 according to a few studies. It's still low, less than 3% but higher than other ages. She probably is basing her opinion on the ARRIVE study. I turn 40 in 2 weeks and my midwife and MFM team weren't going to let me go past 40 weeks but we are now going til 41 weeks with weekly NSTs starting at 36 weeks. My doula shared this document with me. Which I talked with them through: You can always say no to something. A doctor/providers job is to counsel you on both risks and benefits of choosing to do or not do something. Would they not induce you though vs going straight to c-section?They were going to induce me at 40.
Also curious why she's pushing for the C-section instead of an induction. If there have been no complications, were you planning for a C-section already anyway? I was 37 with my last and went 11 days past my due date, but of course that was before crossing the 40 mark. This time my (new) OB hasn't mentioned anything about an early delivery and they've already scheduled out all of my appointments, including my post-natal follow-up.
It’s a load of bollocks. Yes the risk “doubles” but it goes from .05% to .1%. Tell them to fuck off 😂
You can always say no. You can do whatever you want and you can ignore the medical professionals. All might go well, or you might end up having an emergency c section with a resus baby, which is what happened with me. I was so insistent on having a natural birth because I’d had two natural vaginal births before with no issues and I was scared of having a c section. Having had my emergency c section and knowing how easy it was and how quickly I recovered, in hindsight I wouldn’t have put my daughter through the stress of going natural, and I wouldn’t have put myself through the worry of waiting half an hour for them to get her breathing by herself when she came out lifeless. She seems to be okay but she had problems feeding and even a very short time with lack of oxygen can cause problems to the brain. She’s physically fine, but she’s behind in other ways, (speech, eating, understanding instructions and suchlike), and there’s no way of knowing if it’s because she was resus
Thank you mummas for sharing your experiences and thoughts. It’s appreciated ❤️
This sounds like BS sorry! Don’t get coerced into something you don’t want to do! I am 40 and TTC my second and my baby will be born when they are ready. Hospitals get a LOT of money for delivering babies by c sections.
Wow! I had a scheduled C-section at 37w 4d when I was 41 but issues not related to the placenta. When the OB delivered the placenta, she said it basically gave up... Which makes sense since my daughter stopped gaining her estimated weight by 35w.
I have been told that I should be induced at 40 weeks as I am over 40 and my placenta may no longer be effective. This is generic advice and I will be asking for specific facts/evidence related to me and my baby before making any decisions. I had a scan on Friday (week 38) and my placenta and cord were fine. Don’t be pushed into something you are not comfortable with and feel rushed into a decision.
I was given this advice and had 2 babies over 40. I also had extra monitoring at the end of both pregnancies. The thing is…anything can happen between these scans. If the placenta starts failing on a Monday and your NST isn’t until Thursday…you are putting your baby at risk. I was watching a YouTube video last week from a woman that had a full term still birth. She wasn’t over 40. But, her message was that inductions save lives. Sometimes people give advice with good intentions. But, you have to think about your baby and trust your instincts.
Here is the video I am referring to.
I’m 41 and had my 3rd baby in June. She came 2days late . Whilst I was ok and baby was happy I wanted a natural birth and not to be pushed into anything I did not want. My friend (same age)went over due two weeks , she had extra monitoring and delivered naturally also. As long as you are supported with the information it’s your decision 😊
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Tell them to F off. The risk isn’t that great.
They just love that sweet insurance money for a c-section.
Do what you feel is best sometimes these doctors they try to force us into things that we do not want to do and they don’t listen so whatever you feel is right for you and your baby do it
Europeans carry to 42 weeks extremely often... In Germany it's normal and full term. I'd never say ok to induction or C-section until at least after 41 weeks unless there was complications. I just had a natural VBAC with my second two nights ago whom I conceived 3 months after my first was born by emergency C-section (at exactly 42 weeks she was cut out. I had my water break water break 5 days before and there were three nights of labour (stalling each morning completely) and so her heart rate was bad and she was the greenest baby they'd ever seen). I was not allowed to vbac at almost every hospital but I found a doctor that accepted me to try at a hospital that didn't even have overnight surgeons on staff or a proper NICU. Successful redemption for me.
I had my second at 40 yrs old, I naturally went into labour at 39+2 but they were pushing to induce me or a planned c section, both of which I declined after speaking to my midwife. I didn't feel the small risk was worth stressing baby. In the end I did have to have a repeat emergency c section as my old scar started to rupture on my uterus. But placenta was fine, baby was fine, just bad luck with the old scar. Do your research and do what your comfortable with. If you decide to wait they may want you in more regularly for monitoring.
I have a baby at 43 the reason they push fir c section is because at our age complications at birth csn be life threat do if things turn bad they can get Bub out quick which could save your life snd baby's the risk of uncontrollable bleeding us real at birth. I had to sign uf bleeding couldn't be controlled a emergency hysterectomy will be done to save my life. I commend your ob fir thinking of your welfare snd baby's.