Hey girly, please message me im dealing with the same thing right now and my 3 year old little one is a huge handful as well
I felt like this when I was pregnant a few months ago with my 6 year old and 3 year old and I honestly just sat in my car after work for 10 minutes and let my mind go. I let all of those thoughts take over for those 10 minutes while I ugly cried. After my 19 minute timer went off, I wiped my eyes and turned on some of my favorite songs or some bad b*tch energy songs and would hype myself up until I got home and did something productive! After about a week, those thoughts weren’t as strong and not too long after that it got me out of my funk. It may not work for everyone but I feel like letting those thoughts run instead of trying to push them away helped them go away somehow. I noticed that once I started and completed one thing when I came home, it slowly helped build my motivation too! I’m still not 100% there myself as I sit and look at my 7+ loads of dirty laundry, but my dishes are done, the junk corner of my counter is cleaned off, my kids are fed, and it’s almost nap time!
Hi hun