@Samantha thanks for this! I have a call with community midwife today so may be able to bring it up then. I just don't think I can latch her anymore; it's far too painful and the repetition is just really weighing on my mind and getting me down. I feel so hopeless and like my breastfeeding journey has been robbed of me by my body again (I couldn't successfully feed my son either and this time has thus far gone so much better). X
Bless you ❤️ have you tried nipple shields or the silver cup to help aid the healing?
I really feel for you and hope this gets better sooner rather than later. Have you checked if the health visitors have any additional breastfeeding support in the community? The feelings you described really resonate with me so I'm really sorry this is your experience. Things got better for me in time (days felt like weeks, weeks felt like years and the years kept coming) but when I got support from the breastfeeding specialist and my confidence grew, things improved and pain reduced/disappeared. Breastfeeding (I found) is a skill you and baby are learning so give yourself grace no matter how hard. X