@Anarely By which my did you decide to end your pumping journey?
@Keerthivasini if you’re asking why, I had about 6/7 months worth of frozen milk. If you’re asking how, I just slowly started dropping pumps and time pumped. If I was able to get 4-5 pumps a day my supply stayed the same. But dropping to 3 pumps a day finally decreased my supply and so I just started pumping less and less time until I was only pumping 2 minutes a session. I felt comfortable stopping at that point.
Thank you @Anarely for your reply. Were you engorged every time you dropped a pump?
Reduce your pump time little by little. So if you normally pump for 30 minutes try only pumping for 28 for a few days, they 25. Just be careful, I had a massive oversupply with my son and 4-5 pumps a day was my golden number. Once I dropped to 3 I started seeing a massive decrease in supply. But I also had a lot frozen so decided to end my pumping journey then.