Literally nothing, I went into labour randomly at 11:30pm on a Saturday night, didn’t lose mucous plug, didn’t have a bloody show, no waters breaking and no cramping prior 🤣 went straight into full blown contractions.
Following because I’m having the same 😅
I had moderate contraction sever 3-18 min for over 12 hours, called the OB they said to go into L&D for evaluation. As I walked into the triage my water’s broke haha. Felt like a balloon splashed then continuing spouts of water as contractions or I moved. From there the frequency and intensity of the contraction probably tripled
That’s exactly how I felt before my water broke! I had period like cramping all late evening and night which was unusual for me. Then I noticed some pink spotting around midnight. I went back to sleep and a pop feeling woke me up and my water broke. I called L&D since I didn’t feel actual contractions and they told me to come in to confirm my water broke. From there, I waited 6 hours and then decided to start Pitocin since my contractions never started.
I don’t think I felt anything leading to it but when your water breaks you can’t miss it , feels like you peed on yourself and more than just a little and it’s really warm