I had the same problem but I’m progressing now. I’m due the 19th and started at 1cm. Try walking more, as much as you can. That’s what helped me. I’m now 2-3 cm dilated now and my baby’s definitely dropped but I think walking helped. Even if it’s just doing chores around the house. Hope that helps
We’re in the same boat. I’m 38w 1d, I dilated to 1.5cm last week but made no progress. Baby did drop but has gone back up I guess (says my doctor) . He’s also my first and I’m also getting very impatient. Considering getting a membrane sweep at 39 weeks
I have the same due date and this is my 4th baby. No signs over here really. I’ve had cramps and even some painful contractions last Tuesday and been losing my mucus plug since last Wednesday but it’s been a whole week since and nothing. And I’ve been dilated to 4 cm 60% effaced for two weeks. She is just sitting too high up still. I’m uncomfortable and my mood has been awful towards my husband and kids. Hang in there! We are so close 🫶🏻
Same but due date is November 8
Same! My due date is the 15th
I have the same dates 😭 Still nothing. Cervix has softened but is still closed and high. Some Braxton Hicks but nothing unmanageable. But sadly I'm getting induced because he's really big.
Babied dont need to drop necessarily. Mucus plug can be gone and back. Dont look too much!! Can happen anytime. You may be having contraction with the period cramps. That can be a sign.
39+5 dilated 3cm lost part of mucus plug after my membrane sweep Monday still no signs of labor
@Brandi Michelle Stout im due nov 8th too, ugh i just want to kiss and hold them so bad but they dont want to come out at all
My baby is also due on the 17th. I start losing small amounts of my mucus plug maybe around 36 weeks. Some painful contractions here and there but they just feel more like menstrual cramps. They were pretty bad on Halloween but that’s because I walked a lot that day. I just had my 38 week appt and my ob did the membrane sweep. That kick started some cramping but nothing out of the ordinary. I feel like more of the mucus plug was coming out but hard to tell because I was spotting at the same time. I agree with most of the ladies here, keep busy and walking does help with getting baby more into position. I still try and exercise and stay active. I also bounce on the yoga ball and it helps with the pain. We got this! We are in this together ♥️ I am also anxious and ready to meet my little guy.
Same here. I’m also currently already on leave from work and just bored and waiting for baby to make his appearance