@Ruth yes I was a bit surprised that they hadn’t kept a closer eye on her. Maybe I’ll have a chat with her key worker next week. I’m still always surprised they don’t wipe their hands and face before pick up - she’s always a right state 😂😂
Haha yeah we've recently had to change nurseries due to closure which i was devastated about. They were fantastic. This new one is absolutely fantastic too but they don't put coveralls on the kids so he always come home an absolute clip 🤣 it shows he's had a brilliant time getting stuck in but pain in the ass having to wash clothes constantly as not suitable for next day whereas before he could use the same jumper 3 days, never stained xx
So at my preschool we always check but encourage children to wipe themselves first as when they go to school they won’t be wiped/helped! If we go into the toilet and we notice someone left us a present in the toilet and hasn’t told us we try and figure out who it could have been then check! If she didn’t say anything and flushed then there no way preschool would have known
Yeah we’ve had a similar thing. He only goes there when he really has to! The only good thing is I know he’s been otherwise I wouldn’t know!
If she's anything like my daughter so runs to the toilet shouting ' I can do it myself' then maybe they have left her to it not realising she has done a poo, this is what my daughter was doing and I had to ask nursery just to check after shes been. Im trying to teach her how to wipe her bum but she struggles to reach
3 year old aren't really capable of reaching to wipe. Maybe they didn't realise she had done a poo. Clever girl for trying. I would hope they would be checked on though xx