Tips/advice for stopping breastfeeding
So my little one will be one a week today 🥲 and I am wanting to stop BF. I've set myself goals along the way, i.e. to reach 1 month, 6 months etc. but now I am approaching 1 year, I am ready to stop. I'm amazed and proud we've got this far, as BF was not successful with my first. We've been EBF, did try bottles and expressing but she refused and I just didn't want to pursue it with different tactics that could stress us all out, when I was happy to just feed direct.
She is on three regular meals a day and will sometimes have a snack in between. She is BF at bedtime and anywhere between 1-3 times in the night. Some of the night feeds I think are for comfort more than hunger. She feeds to sleep.
I was thinking of perhaps starting during the night when she wakes and offering her water and rocking, walking etc to get her back to sleep. Then once got that done focusing on the bedtime, perhaps bringing in a new routine e.g. supper of Weetabix etc and cows milk, rocking and reading a story in bed. And anytime she tries to get to the boob just saying no, it's all gone or something similar. I also heard about spraying perfume on the breast as the smell could put them off?
Don't know if what I'm thinking is the right approach but open to other tips and advice. I'm not in a complete rush but I also don't want to drag it out either.
Following as I’m going through the same x