As someone whose exclusively pumping for the second time around, you're still absolutely breastfeeding and having a bond with your baby. My son didn't latch either but he was in the nicu right after birth so I didn't get to nurse him. You can work with a lactation consultant for latching issues but don't feel guilty if it doesn't work out that way. You're still able to provide and feed your baby and that's where the bond can come from.
Have they checked for a tongue tie? It takes a while for mom and baby to get comfortable and learn breastfeeding. The positioning is really hard when they are so tiny and barely move. I bottled fed mostly for the first month then I would put her on my breast at night time. Eventually she was exclusively breastfed since it’s just easier and no need to wash and sanitize as many things. I would recommend to just put her on as much as you can it will get better. Just make sure your positioning is good. It’s so much easier than having to wash all the pump parts and bottles.
I’ve seen 2 different lactation consultants and my baby still won’t latch. The only way I got her to latch was by using a nipple shield. Maybe try that! She latched pretty easily when I used it
No shame in not bf, don’t let others add stress. If you have a bond and baby is fed, that’s all that matters! I’ve been exclusively bf and baby is 6weeks, we still sometimes have trouble, usually when he’s tired and being fussy. I can’t get him to use a paci but my husband can.. but don’t be stressing bc you don’t need that! ❤️
Check to see if your insurance will cover aeroflow class & lactation consultant
Totally understand the challenges with latching; my baby has difficulty sometimes too. I do a mix of pumping to bottle-feed, direct feeding, and formula since I don’t produce a full supply. But remember, you’re bonding with your baby no matter how you feed, so try not to stress. One thing that helps me is switching up positions, like trying the football or cradle hold. And if my baby won’t latch on one side, switching sides can help. My consultant suggested putting a few drops of formula on my breast to encourage latching. The most important thing is to stay calm. If it’s not working, it’s okay to bottle-feed and try again later. Trust yourself—you know what’s best for you and your baby. And definitely reach out to a consultant if you do wish to bf. Good luck!
I had the same issue, baby wasn’t latching right and it was so painful for me. The lactation consultant gave me a nipple shield to use and now he latches like a pro and doesn’t bite me anymore, but now I’m working on weaning him off the shield
@Laina hi Laina. Thank you for your recommendation. What nipple shield do you recommend?
@Amber hi Amber! Thank you for your advice. Do you recommend any specific nipple shield?
@Fernie I use the medela 24mm, it’s a little big for my nipple but it’s more comfortable than the smaller ones in my opinion
If you really do want to continue trying, you can contact a Lactation Consultant with IBCLC, insurance covered. They can come to your house & help. If you want to continue pumping and good with that, no shame there either. Do whatever you feel is best! Good luck!