I was getting contractions slowly and then I lost my mucus plug and my contractions instantly started getting stronger. That was 4.35am ish. Baby was born 7.08am same day x
@Rebecca what did your contractions feel like? Because im getting pain but its not really hurting, i dont know what to look for 🤣🙈
Honestly it just felt like period cramps, probably a little bit stronger than your usual period cramp but totally bearable. This was about 10pm the night before, I ran a bath just incase they were labour pains as i had no idea myself if it was false labour or not - i was totally convinced it was false labour. After I got out the bath, the pains completely stopped! So i really did believe it was false labour after that haha. I went to sleep and was woken up with stronger period like cramping (this was the 4.35am wake up) i counted them on a contractions app for 20 mins before i decided to get up and go to the toilet and my mucus plug had gone. From that point on, they started getting stronger and stronger and closer together x
@Rebecca thank you, pains started today but nothing stronger yet hoping it’s soon 🤣x
@Rebecca wow that was quick, at how many weeks did this happen and is this your first baby?
Last time I was pregnant I lost my mucus plug and she was here 2 days later x
@Naomi I was 39+5 on the day I gave birth. And no she is my second baby 🥰
I lost my mucus plug 2 days ago and I haven’t gone into labour yet, but im doing the miles circuit and walking a lot x