i don’t think it’s too late, has your milk come in? if you can meet with a lactation specialist. have you tried putting baby on the boob at all?
It’s not too late! Try latching baby on as often as you can, plenty of skin to skin ! if your milk hasn’t come in yet then it should do soon. Consult a lactation specialist or your HV / MW asap for advice. Also be prepared that it may not be smooth at first and may be a little painful, make sure you use nipple cream to soothe yourself if you need. Good luck! xxx
I pumped for one month PP and then exclusively breastfeed for 13 months
Start pumping. You’ll get small amounts a first but breastfed babies don’t get the same amount as formula feed babies because you body changes the composition to fit babies needs. Like my son was taking bottles of breastmilk and was around 4/6oz at most. In the beginning I was getting an oz or so a day as your milk comes in and starts to regulated to your pumping or breastfeeding schedule it’ll increase. Cluster feeding will also happen and doesn’t mean necessarily mean you aren’t making enough. It’s just an early indication baby is gonna want more and helps you body adjust to the new feeding requirements
also i think my baby really isn’t getting on with the formula, and i’ve changed it twice.