Breastfeeding and early pregnancy

Is anyone else still breastfeeding? I have a 2 year old, we've been trying to wean for the last 11 months, but she's not giving up, we are down to only in a morning, after nursery and once before bed. My ripples are soooooo painful. It actually makes me want to cry.
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Yes I am still feeding my 2.5 year old. He has a morning feed and a bedtime feed still but I’m hoping to wean him off while pregnant tbh. I’ve read that it’s most likely it’ll dry up while pregnant so hoping he’ll self wean then if that’s the case 🙏🏼 but I’m also going to attempt to stop the morning feed now. Sorry you’re suffering with pain! I haven’t had any sensitivity so far thank god but if I’ve been too tried or unwell to feed him I’ve explained that to him and he’s taken it quite well.

Yesssss I am! And he’s a boobie monster! He’s poorly atm and just wants to BF for comfort allllllll the time. I’m very early days so not that sore yet but I feel I really need to cut down the amount he does or I’m going to be totally shattered! I’m 4 weeks and he’s 2 in December!

@Andrea I'm 4wk +5, I'm hoping she'll self wean during the pregnancy. It's so painful, but mainly just on the right side. My little one is two in 12 days. @Sammie aw that's amazing. 2.5yrs is great. I've read that the evening feed is easier to stop than the morning, so I'm going to try that, as we have got her a big girl bed, and I'm hoping to start a new routine.

Sounds like a good plan ☺️

Also finding it painful here!! Can I ask you ladies how you managed to cut out the through the night feeds? My LO is nearly 19 months and still feeds every 2 hours throughout the night (if I’m lucky!!) I managed to day wean but struggling with naps and nights!! ♥️

@Ceylan my son just suddenly slept through the night just after he turned 2 🤷🏼‍♀️ before that I fed him for every night wake up, they just naturally decreased and then one day he slept through and has ever since 🤯 I never thought it would happen! He stopped napping in the day around the same time and before that he was only napping if I fed him to sleep xx

Thank you @Sammie! I think I’m at the stage where I can’t imagine it happening so that’s great to know! ♥️

@Ceylan I can totally relate. My LO is 19 months and always nursing for comfort. I wish to night wean him as I would like to sleep more comfortably these days. I have no clue how!

@Ceylan if my daughter woke in the night my partner would go in and soothe her. It was hard but she slowly started to soothe quicker. Now she just sleeps through. She'll get up happily with her dad in the morning and not ask for milk if I stay in bed. When she sleeps out she doesn't have milk at all even when it's offered.

Ahh thank you so much for the advice! Can I just ask how your partner soothed her? Did he have to rock her or walk around with her? And how long was she upset for? My partner has only tried to get him to sleep but he really resists and pulls away from him and gets distressed. We’ve tried a night waking a long time ago but I guess we’re worried he’ll just wake up for a few hours and we’re always too tired to try but I definitely want to give this a go now x

Awww it’s nice to know there’s someone else out there @Malavika! I don’t know anyone in my situation but hopefully we can find a way to gently encourage this! ♥️

Yeah I’m still feeding my 2 year old, we co sleep too which is why breastfeeding has just continued so easily. I do want to stop soon though & have a break before starting with a new born again. My daughters been feeding so much because she’s ill & my nipples feel like I’m feeding a newborn again 😖

@Ceylan at first he used to pick her up and cuddle her, and it could take 30-45 minutes, but after a few hours it got shorter, then after about a week he could just pat her bum and he would go back to sleep.

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