My little one is 3 now. The ones dietician recommended to us were Alpro growing up oat milk (or monkey milk as its more commonly known) and oatly barista. Our whole household uses oatly barista so that one we always have in. We like coconut yoghurts, coconut collaborative or asda’s own brand usually. Dairy free suckies are good too.
14mo here so weaned for a bit now! We use Alpro Growing Up oat milk as it’s fortified. Yogurts we use the dairy free Petits Filous. We’ve tried the alpro and Coconut Collab yogurts but the DF Petits Filous are the only ones he likes. Oh he likes the Ella’s Kitchen DF yogurts in the pouches too.
I found this article super helpful and we went with Oatly barista (albeit the article has been updated since I used it first). That was over 2 years ago now and we still use it
Soya milk is recommended over oat x
Our dietician recommended the Alpro growing up oat milk as the gold standard - baby LOVES it!
We use Alpro unsweetened oat milk, but for recommendations for other items that don’t have loads of rubbish in, we use the Yuka app. It’s free and you can scan all your food items and it tells you how good/bad they are. It’s been really useful for us to see what alternatives I want to give
My little girl doesn’t have any allergies but I didn’t really want her having cows milk so young and after doing a lot of comparing and research I now give her Pea milk. It’s almost like for like to cows milk (over other alternatives) and she loves it. She is now two and I do mix cows milk in with her porridge or wheatabix but for a drink she will have the pea milk
Haven’t started weaning my lg as she’s only 9 weeks but I was looking through recipes earlier out of curiosity. x