Increase your intake of foods with estrogen - I still take my pregnancy vitamins and take a hair supplement as well! - you can’t stop it but it will help - I’ve been doing this and my fall out is minimal so far 🤞🤞
I’ve lost so much, so so much. And it’s making me sad now x
I am in the exact same boat, I have no idea how I have any hair left! I’ve recently bought Hairburst shampoo and conditioner after many people recommended that to me but I’ve only used it twice so far so it’s top early to judge. I’ve also been advised to not wear my hair up tight, try loosening it a little and wearing a bobble lower down my head instead of a high bun/ponytail x
I saw someone on here recommend the L’Oreal product. I’ve bought the shampoo but not given it a go yet.’oreal-elvive-full-resist-anti-hair-fall-serum-with-aminexil-102ml-10322976?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs_HeroCompare-_--_-pmax_beauty__gg_shopping__hc___pmedia&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA-AdmwSQ6cwHVV7FZgK8xhLqTS0TE&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlsy5BhDeARIsABRc6ZseEa4jjG8pm1ob974n6LqER7FP6RXcjV26MixcO7jvYGPxW2-WpuMaAiHbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds