My second is 7 weeks and first was 20 months when she was born. We got a double pushchair but haven’t really used it, I find it much easier to put baby in carrier and then toddler in single pushchair
My daughter will be about 17 months when number two is here so my in laws have offered us a double pram from when they fostered children. I know my daughter will likely be walking by then as she's almost there but I know she won't want to 🤣 She hates carriers which was a shame cos I planned to do that originally
@Rachel this is what I was thinking, especially as my first hated the pram when she was a baby. But in my mind I’m like if the baby does like the pram it would be nice for them to go in it as my first didn’t 😂😂
This is our age gap, 7 weeks in and I wouldn’t be without the double pushchair. Giving the eldest an apple and taking them both out on walks whilst newborn gets a nap has been a godsend! Also when out and about in busy places I know that I have somewhere safe for them both. My toddler doesn’t always love it and wants to walk but I can coax her back in with a snack 🤣
I got the grace duo stadium and I use that all the time with two babies. When I had my son my daughter was about 17 months old. I would take them out a lot since it was spring so weather was nice. My son sleeps fairly quickly in the stroller so I just sit and relax and hang with my daughter. I take the bus sometimes, but most of the time we walk since the town is in a walkable distance from where we live. I have also taken them on trains trip to Reading and London by myself with that stroller. If you are quite an active mum who likes going outside whenever there’s a chance like me then getting a good double stroller is a good investment. We’ve taken our abroad too. It folds quite easily but it would be heavier than a single stroller. My son is quite big now even though he’s only 21 months old 😆 I’m thinking of getting a wagon style stroller since there’ll be more room for them to sit and do things. To me, that’s a good investment since I’m pretty much out every weekend 😂
My little one was 22 months when my second was born. We brought a double pram which we use for small walks every now and then. Baby prefers being in the carrier than the pram and our eldest prefers to walk everywhere so we got some reins so she can walk. If we are out for longer we will bring the eldests pushchair and again little one in the carrier cause he hates the pram