@Naomi did you feel this way, I feel like a sudden disconnection and overwhelming feeling that I can’t shake off and feels like I need air as I will have a panic attack
There’s usually a day between day 3-5 when milk comes in and your hormones just go wild and anything can set you off crying. It’s usually just one day though - hang in there!
Google Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER) Could be that?
Thanks guys - this made me feel a little more in control, I was fully spiriling out 🙈😫😢
As soon as my milk came in I was like this for about 4 days and then it went away x
When my milk came in on day 5. I had a fever and wasn’t well. I also cried a lot and felt I couldn’t bond with baby. I went into triage as thought something was terribly wrong. They explained was milk coming in. I had no idea. No one warned me. Like others have shared. Weird and wonderful things happen with hormones. I hope you feel better soon x
@Naomi I had no idea, this is super helpful - thank you 🤍
It may be your milk coming in xx