Speech delay?

My son only says mama, dada, and nana. We’ve tried to get him to sat other words, but he always reverts back to just those three. How many words are y’all’s kids saying? Any advice to get him to say more? Should I speak to his pediatrician or is it still too early?
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How old is he? We realized our son was speech delayed at 2 yrs old. He got diagnosed with mild autism at 3 yrs old.

I ave a 15 year old, he still has his paddy but he says mama, dad, thantu (thank you) ball but he communicated a lot by pointing at what he wants and shaking his head and finger no, I’ve learned and is super smart in other ways, as soon as I stopped stressing over the words it just started up, my daughter didn’t really talk until she was about 3 and she is now a straight a student, I’d say to look out for other forms of communicating and speak with your pediatrician before you worry too much! Your doing amazing mama!!! Keep it up

I'd say it never hurts to bring it up to your pediatrician. Kids develop at different rates, and I think the milestone is 5-10 words by 18 months (and so much can happen in 3 months!). But your pediatrician will know what further questions to ask or let you know when to follow up

My son says those same words mostly…he’s 14 coming up on 15 months. Really at this age, it’s still a bunch of babbling. A true speech delay would be around the age of 2 when they can’t say any words at all or understand commands. Definitely wouldn’t hurt to talk to the pediatrician to get some peace of mind

I wouldn’t worry. My baby is 15 months and says dada 100000x a day but he’s pointing and trying to babble away all day

My girl is similar in her consistent use of dada, some mama, dog but they aren’t always super clear. Lots of babbling, pointing, grunting. Sign language has been incredibly helpful for bridging the gap and showing her that she can communicate. If you haven’t introduced it, I highly recommend it. Her daycare also teaches sign. And be on the lookout for those physical signs of communication and comprehension. My girl uses the “more” sign to also give an affirmative response to questions. Facial expressions say a lot too!

My nearly 16 month old doesn't say anything he as started making different grunt screams and sounds to let us no what he wants he as started pointing to wait he wants with sounds so I no what it is we av like an oo for no and sound bit like yh for yes but he does node now to answer yes and no things. Tho they is a strong chance he is autistic. My 3 year old would bable loads sand say clear short word but since he turn 3 he's came on leaps and bonds still struggles with speech and stuff but yeah we going through the channels to get him sorted with autistic diagnosis Same with my nearly 16 month old

My son also says about 4-5 words and he doesn’t spontaneously say them he only repeats. I will bring it up at our 15 month well visit but I’m not sure there is much that can be done yet. Boys tend to speak later and if we are a trilingual household so that may delay speech. I will definitely consider early intervention if theres no improvement by 18 months.

@Nikola My son just had his 15 month visit last week and I brought it up to them, they said if there isn’t much progress by 18 months then we’ll look into speech therapy. His motor skills are amazing, but his communication skills are lacking. He doesn’t seem to understand me at all. He doesn’t point or try to communicate, he just yells and gets frustrated when he wants something. I’m just worried about how behind he is.

Sounds just like my son. He also doesn’t point to things if he wants something he just goes and gets it and if he cant reach he will just scream at me till i come to help😅 he understands if I say go get your shoes or where is your kitty toy. Honestly I’m not too worried about speech, if we need speech therapy then that’s okay thats what the services are there for. Early intervention is very important

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