I'm getting a tonies box from santa then we got our little boy a speed track for his cars, some toy cars to go down it, a numberblocks puzzle game and some roleplay toys
Amongst other bits .. Magnetic Tiles (she adores so we are getting another box that also has like a marble run that you can build into it) These are always a big hit when we gift them too.
For our 3 year old particularly, we are thinking kids camera as she's obsessed with taking pictures on the phone, and keeps asking for her own phone to take pictures 😅
@Ketija omg that table looks amazing 🤩! We are getting my daughter a bike, and from Santa she’s pjs, some chocolate, bath bubbles & some other bits…I can’t recall what now 🙈
Nothing! She'll get loads of presents from family. I find buying so many presents a waste of money. We are going to take her to a christmas theatre show instead.
A tonie box is on our list
@A_M 🌺🌈 could toy share the magnetic tiles with the marble run please?
@Becky this is the one we have bought https://www.smythstoys.com/uk/en-gb/toys/sensory-toys/sensory-play/magnetic-tiles-125-piece-ball-run-set/p/236068?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADF0j8JZjlsDLortcxje8VysgovQa&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsbuD-7LfiQMVCqVQBh3w2ib2EAQYBCABEgJLRfD_BwE
@A_M 🌺🌈 this looks awesome thank you
Because he isn’t really aware of how gift giving at Christmas/birthdays works and has no comprehension of price, we get him what we think he ‘needs’ (that we want to get him) such a tonie box and pikkler triangle etc whenever we see them or if there’s a good deal and for birthdays and Christmas (but this will probably be the last year) we get him kind of bits and pieces like tonies, games, creative bits etc. Side note: I always get too excited to give him the things we get him so if I get a really good bargain in April, I 100% could not wait until his birthday or Christmas 😂
Luckily we are in a position to do this and I appreciate that not everyone is
We’re getting an Amazon fire tablet (waiting on Black Friday) as we don’t generally have a tablet and she has a school app she needs to practise so she will be able to do that on her own. We got her a tonies earlier in the year and she still uses it every day, also uses a yoto at pre school and both are a winner xx
Great post! Can’t wait to see everyone’s replies. I’m getting mine a Yoto - she already has a Tonies and loves it. Otherwise it’ll be stocking fillers like sparkly hair clips, books, puzzles and board games, play dough, tea set in a hamper. I’ve heard Gabby dolls houses are now a big deal!