Good luck!
No I don’t- but I also do a TON of research leading up to things… this is why people In natural realm don’t want constant monitoring.. it’s normal for baby to deox slightly during contractions- Your drs likely just want to get it done..:: my whole experience is I have a midwife/ doula so my experience hasn’t been largely clinical… but where you are at now it’s hard cause you have no history or knowing or anyone to advocate… I just found our yearwday my baby is breech- so doing everything I can naturally but also research wise to be able to have the most natural c section I can
you do have a choice and would definitely ask for more info and for the to keep monitoring you as this is YOUR pregnancy not theirs which is why a birth plan is important and a back up one.. remember doctors do get paid for it all so do what you feel is best cause you know your body better and trust your gut.. i would also talk to someone you really trust along with the doctor to help talk you through a decision
So baby girl is here! She arrived last night at 8:58pm birth plan was not fulfilled lol but healthy baby is here
Oh, that's stressful! Maybe ask for someone who can come talk you through everything 1:1 so you can understand what's going on. Do you have a doula you can have come be your advocate? You could ask if they can check for longer to see if she's doing okay before making the decision. There are reasons if baby's heart rate is not staying there it should be to do a C-section. If you are having contractions, their heart rate continuing to stay down or going down with every contraction might mean distress or that your placenta is having problems (this is from what our midwife told us at the last appointment). My hospital has a pretty low C-section rate unless necessary so that helped me with my first make the decision to ultimately have a C-section. I was being induced and his heart rate was showing consistent stress after 2 days. I was so set on a natural birth, but having a doula with me and having a quiet, calm discussion with the Dr about my options was very helpful to make my decision.