Holy canoli. My first is 16 months. My due date is calculated as VERY close to his second birthday! Based on that I’m not technically going to be a 2 under 2. Now, I did get induced with my first 3 weeks early because of a high risk pregnancy (fgr) plus I have a fainting problem so they wanted to control the situation basically and be ready. Do they typically induce a second time if your first one was or if there’s no reason to they won’t? I know every doc is different im just asking the general consensus on induction. I wouldn’t mind it again as I can plan better and unless there’s complications definitely wouldn’t see the need to do it 3 weeks early but planning it wouldn’t bother me.
Every doctor is different but I was induced with my first due to “excessive weight gain that shows the possibility of laboring complications” and wasn’t offered an induction with my second until she started having movement issues. They were going to make me go to 41 weeks before suggesting an induction. Both were born within the 39th week no complications with either