I’d agree and say depends on your doctor and hospital. My first was induced (due to reduced percentiles) and almost due with number two, and never discussed having an induction just because I had one the first time. We planned to go into labour naturally but unfortunately turns out that will be getting induced again (due to cholestasis) but I know my hospitals won’t induce unless medically necessary earlier than 39 weeks. Definitely have a talk with your midwife/doctor on what they will allow, as I’d say it’s the same as wanting to go vaginally vs elective c-section. Your body and your choice🙂
Every doctor is different but I was induced with my first due to “excessive weight gain that shows the possibility of laboring complications” and wasn’t offered an induction with my second until she started having movement issues. They were going to make me go to 41 weeks before suggesting an induction. Both were born within the 39th week no complications with either