Try nursing straight from the tap?
Try mixing it, and nursing too, what's baby's age?
@Rowan I thought maybe that too, but she’s drank high liapse before and had no issue.
@Bethany now that I’m home with her again, I tried briefly and she was sort of fussy but also drinking a little and then fell asleep really quickly so next feeding fingers crossed!!
@Priscilla my parents said they tried half and half in the bottle and she wouldn’t drink it :/ she’s almost 3 months. I just got home to her and tried to nurse and she was a little fussy but still nursed a little but then fell asleep really quickly so I’ll have to attempt again the next feeding and hope for the best!
It could’ve been the baby bottle they used. Is the bottle breastfeeding friendly?
Any possibility the frozen breast milk was high liapse? That could be why