Thanks @Morgan glad to hear that it will regulate. Her feeding is still a bit irregular so you’re probably right that it’s best to wait. I will.
I was going to suggest the same. I breastfed my first and nwvwr gor engorged so I am planning to do similar things. I did not pump until 6 weeks. I could have probably done a bit earlier but wanted to make sure everything was established. Most people I know that pimped early got engorged and pain
I think either option of EBF or expressing can have it's negative points such as engorgement or mastitis - for some BF isn't an option from the start so have to express. I think all u can do is decide what will work best for you and monitor your body. 🙂
When is the optimum time to express as I've heard if it's too late, baby just won't take to the bottle
Midwife advised me to introduce bottle before 6 weeks as baby more likely to refuse bottle after this. With my first I was in hospital 5 nights and they had me expressing day after baby was born. Not had a chance yet but plan to express this week and baby is 3 weeks
You probably want to avoid pumping right now as your supply is regulating and you could end up with an oversupply/engorgement as you say. But what you could do it either get a haakaa or breast milk collector of some sort and wear it on the side you’re not feeding from as you breastfeed and collect the let down and store that. It won’t create an over supply because you’re not actively stimulating that side and if it’s going to come out anyway you might as well collect it!