I’d be keen for advice too. My little one is 10 weeks and trying to get him a take a bottle with no success.
The MAM bottle is also the one my LO would take after being EBF for 9 weeks.
My baby is exclusively breastfed and when she was about 3 weeks her dad started giving her bottles. We started with a MAM bottle. She’s 3 months now and she will take Dr browns and Avent. Sometimes she still will not drink from a bottle unless I’m the one giving it to her
Biggest advice is mom has gotta be gone. My baby wouldn’t take a bottle if I was around, but if I’m gone and he’s hungry he gave the bottle the chance. I like the Tommy tippee bottle and they have a starter set with 3 bottles that offer a breast like nipple and feel!
My little isn’t EBF we do both breast and formula the bottle that she took to easily go from both is the MAM bottle I hope you find a bottle/tip that helps you soon😊