I started taking stuff for lactation, few days later I started getting colostrum! Currently able to pump and collect it right now for when she gets here. Definitely would speak with your obgyn before taking stuff to encourage lactation tho.
@Sarah id like to try harvesting before he's here (induction at 38w6d) but good to know it'll come in regardless! Thank you
Maybe try a few times a day for a few minutes. Make sure you’re relaxed and had plenty water. That’s what helped me boost a milk supply w my daughter. Doing it between feeds too. I think for colostrum it would be the same case. Good luck! 💕
Hi mama 🤍 I had my first little gal last summer and barely produced 5ml total in colostrum from 37 weeks through 40 weeks working at manually expressing it every single day. I was super nervous about not having enough milk. I also have 1 introverted nipple. My colostrum came in perfectly, even with not getting to hold my baby for at least an hour after birth. And I actually had a major over production of milk. So just here to say, don’t worry too much about not having colostrum right now! This is my second pregnancy and I still don’t have any at 37 weeks either. As far as introverted nipple tips, I’d say find a good lactation consultant now! The hospital was really unhelpful for me. Stimulating your nipples before baby feeds will be key to getting baby to latch! Also nipple shields are great but should be temporary
It’ll come in when baby’s born, but my doula (also an IBCLC) said that practicing manual hand expression can be a good way to get into the habit for when baby’s here. I’m not going to harvest or collect any ahead of time.