I had that again on Friday
We used to have it a lot and we adjusted her napping schedule slightly. Might be that your LO is napping too long in the day? This can cause night splits. Or could be teething or learning a new skill.
My LB was up until 1:15am. He’s usually a good sleeper so these late bed times are a killer 🤣
Mines had 24 mins sleep today. It’s 1:03. If she doesn’t get enough nap in - I’ll likely have a night split again as this is where her overtired comes out. Her naps have gone down the drain for about 10 days now 🙄
Yep my lb woke up at 3 gave him a bottle and he's still wide awake..I have a 2 year old who will be awake by 6...he will prob fall back to sleep when she wakes. I'm going to bed as soon as they do tonight lol xx