Honestly I seldom drink and I had some trouble conceiving and I’m pretty sure my last 2 were conceived after a drink or 2 with my hubby. We have happy healthy boys and no complications.
Yes it’s not gonna do anything. Even someone didn’t know they were pregnant that first couple of weeks and accidentally drank it would be such a problem. So just drinking during ovulation isn’t a big deal
I drank while trying to conceive, not excessively but I didn't give up alcohol. Lots of women get pregnant unintentionally while drinking for the first couple of months and they're fine. I wouldn't stress it too much
I completely cut out alcohol when we were trying for our second and after 6 months of trying we ended up going out (it was cinco de Mayo so I drank a lot) lol and I got pregnant 😂 I have a healthy 10 month old baby now and had a perfect pregnancy 💕 definitely don’t overthink it! 😊