Couple I know of is: * As they are drinking milk sneak the capol in at the side of the mouth, gets mixed in with the milk * Put it in yoghurt * Put it in the teat of a bottle so they suck the bottle thinking they are drinking milk * Cut a carton of their favourite drink, and in the carton have the medicine in a pot, angle the straw into the pot so they think they are drinking the carton but it's the medicine
I used a test today (pre measured the medicine). I was also taught by a nurse in the hospital that if you know your baby/ toddler doesn’t like taking the medicine that as soon as you put it in their mouth to harsh blow as it helps them swallow it rather than spit it out x
My daughter is a nightmare for taking calpol or any medicine. We can sometimes mix it up with squash and give it to her as a normal drink, but it doesn't always work.
Put the syringe through the neck opening of a teat type bottle and let them suck it out.